Culture of Life Programs and Initiatives
The Knights of Columbus remains firmly committed to defending the right to life of every human being, from the moment of conception to natural death. Countless councils and individual Knights conduct projects aimed to build a culture of life in their individual communities. One of the most successful of the Order’s initiatives in this area is the Ultrasound Initiative though which councils (both state and local) partner with the Supreme Council in provide sharing the cost of purchasing ultrasound machines for pregnancy resource centers.
What we choose to do, or not do, about abortion, euthanasia, human cloning and embryonic research impacts lives for generations to come. Take action now and support a culture that values human life at all stages.
Apex Council 7186 is VERY active in the following:
- Rosary for Life and Divine Mercy Chaplet in the St. MM Chapel
- Rosary for Life at Drake Circle in Raleigh (abortion clinic) is a peaceful prayer service
- Serve meals at Wilmington Street Homeless Shelter in Raleigh
- Support Diocese of Raleigh’s Birthchoice Gala with funds and resources